Sunday, April 19, 2015

Viral Links

On Twitter I took a few different approaches to try to garner views on my video and make my video more well known on the twittersphere. The first technique I tried was the simplest because I used a few tweets to just give a small summary of my video and then told my followers to go to YouTube to check it out. The next technique was my personal favorite. You can see some of the tweets in the top right screen shot above. I used several tweets to tell a first person story of my robot maid turning on me and then me having to run to my safehouse. My tweeting ends much like an infomercial saying if this has happened to you then check out my video. The final strategy I used was to post memes that I made. I turn the famous Ill be back quote around to show that robots have taken over.

I made a lot of posts to Facebook. One thing I did to increase my viewers was post to different pages as well as just update my own status. The first few posts I made were to the Terminator: Genisys fan page. I posted a link to my video as well as some commentaries on it. I also updated my status a few times so that all of my friends could see my posts. In my statuses I posted a link to my video, as well as talked about a furby and a bunker that I am prepared to build. The last place I decided to post about my video was in the UF Class of 2017 page. I posted my third meme to this page. I used a more well known meme template to make sure people noticed it. I also used the UF page to post my infographic.

For my vine videos i used a snippet of my video as well as different videos that talk about technology possibly killing us and how to destroy them (throwing them away as seen to the right) as well as making sure all doors are locked. 

Overall my social media posts got many views but didn't really get a lot of likes or favorites. I believe this assignment was a great experience because it gave me more knowledge on how to be successful through social media. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Advice on Social Media Stardom

Getting a hang of social media is not difficult, but becoming good at it or becoming an expert takes a little bit more work. A person looking to start a social media account needs to have a plan before they start. There is important thing that you want to have set out before you look to gain notoriety on social media, a target audience.

It is important to have a target audience and one that appeals to you because it allows you as a tweeter or viner to focus on a certain subject and skill when posting on social media. An example of this would be someone who likes to post about news stories. When I think of news two polar opposites come to mind. First I think of news outlets like Fox News or CNN, but then there are also comedic news outlets such as Comedy Central with anchors like Jon Stewart. I bring up Fox News and Jon Stewart because they talk about similar things but go about it in different ways because they have different audiences. Comedy Central intends to appeal to a younger audience (20-40 years old) while CNN or Fox News look to appeal to the older generation (my parents or older) because old people just want straight forward news. I will look at specific tweets from both outlets to see how they target their audience.

As you can see Jon Stewart uses a more comedic and sarcastic tone while Fox News uses a straightforward approach to get its audience the news it wants without any extra funny business. These two news outlets show why its important to have an audience in mind and that's because it is important to appeal to them with the correct tone in tweets. Another important thing is not only to have an audience but to make sure you engage them.

It is important to engage your audience because this keeps them coming back. Followers will feel a sense of connection to you even if they know nothing about you just because they were mentioned in your tweet or because you responded to one of their question. A great example of this is basically any sports on twitter. I will use Matt Miller as my example.

Matt Miller always does a great job engaging his audience by answering whatever question they have for him. Because he is a scout of college prospects, most of his questions are regarding the NFL draft but he sometimes answers question about different topics. No matter who you are, it is important to engage your audience on Twitter, because if you don't then they will unfollow you and follow other people who can answer their question. Another important thing that Matt Miller does well is be consistent. If you created an account for a specific purpose then stick to you plan. Matt Miller tweets about the NFL draft, and not much else. This allows followers to know what are getting with each tweet.